True stories of paranormal phenomena

True stories of paranormal phenomena experiences


True stories of paranormal phenomena : yes Angels do exist, I shall tell you about true stories of paranormal phenomena, my experiences, once my car tire blew out, I was driving over a bridge, and I lost control of the car, which was headed for the rail between the road and the side of the bridge, I thought of the worst case scenario, the car was simply out of control, I let go of the steering wheel and instinctively I closed my eyes and put my arms in front of my head, as if to protect my face, I was waiting for the inevitable, a fall into the river, and yet, something happened within a fraction of a second, I felt as if an enormous energy, something or someone, slowed down the car from the front, I never even touched the rail, nobody got hurt, it was my Angel.


Good night my dear


True stories of paranormal phenomena experiences are the words from Tiziana


True stories of paranormal phenomena The words of the Angels
