Being a mother is forever

Being a mother is forever experiences


Being a mother is forever : with this experience I realize that being a mother is forever, I tell you my story, I suffered two pneumonias with delirium and severe shortness of breath, I spent the night wheezing, hour after hour, I could not stand up, I would sit on the pavement, I could not climb on to my bed, and I fell off the sofa; the following morning, fortunately, my sister came to visit me because I was not answering the phone, I couldn’t, once inside the hospital they considered intubating me.


It was almost evening, I saw a lady through a screen, you know, like the rooms for patients who are infected, she looked like my mother did when she was young, I could not see her face, but I knew she was smiling at me, a smile that compelled me to smile back, I could sense that she was beautiful, I could not see her beauty, but it permeated into my heart, I got up! and she was pointing at my bed.


I disconnected the oxygen tank, I was still under the spell of her smile, it lasted hours; eventually the nurses arrived and scolded me for disconnecting the tank, and that’s when I realized that for the last few hours my wheezing had gone away, the nurses left, but the lady was still there, smiling at me, and I no longer felt the torment of not being able to breathe.


I could not see the evening from my windows, I could not see electricity, I don’t even know if the lights were on or not, I remained in this enchanted state until the morning, hours that could have been years, or seconds.


The following morning I explained to my doctors about things that didn’t exist, they told me that the lack of oxygen to the brain and the fever had caused hallucinatory delirium, but it was not a hallucination, I still get emotional as I write this, and I would love to be able to relive it, to feel that smile again, where I was immersed into an enchantment that is certainly out of this world.


A hug to you


Being a mother is forever experiences Franco’s experience



Being a mother is forever experiences


Being a mother is forever The words of the Angels
