Hearing the voice of a departed one

Hearing the voice of a departed one in a dream


Hearing the voice of a departed one : my uncle, a priest, passed away on the 18th of December 2012, we had problems with the curia for the home where we used to live all together, albeit this is not the reason for my testimonial; on the 26th of January 2014 I went to the cemetery to say hello to him, and I asked him if he could please help me sort out things related to the house that we had in co-ownership; I will mention that my birthday is on the 15th of February; the night of my birthday I dreamt of him, in the dream he told me that he could not give me the gift that I wanted, but that for the moment he was going to gift me a perfume; I shared my dream with several people, because I could not understand what the dream meant; on the 24th of February, a little more than a week later, my nephew called me, his voice breaking up a little from emotion, telling me that he and his wife were expecting a baby; infinite joy, my mother and I cried from happiness, and that’s when I understood what my uncle wanted to say, the perfume is Leonardo, who is now 5 years old.


Hearing the voice of a departed one in a dream is the testimonial from Rita


Hearing the voice of a departed one


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels
