How to understand if a departed soul is in Paradise

How to understand if a departed soul is in Paradise experiences


How to understand if a departed soul is in paradise : yes, I also used to ask myself how to understand if a departed soul, a loved one who passed away is in paradise, and I too, just like others, suddenly smelled a strong aroma right after closing the entrance gate of my house behind me, it was on 23rd October and he had passed on the 22nd, a day earlier, from a car accident; the sudden scent was so intense that I thought I was inside a flower shop, I stayed there, inhaling, incredulous, I don’t even know for how long I was there doing it, and then over the following days I kept seeing many pretty butterflies.


And I may add that on February 14th, in the rose bush in front of our house, a little bud with a red rose sprouted!!!


It’s so wonderful feeling him still with me, and he shall remain this way forever, my great love


How to understand if a departed soul is in Paradise experiences is the testimonial from Elena


How to understand if a departed soul is in Paradise experiences


How to understand if a departed soul is in Paradise The words of the Angels
