I saw a white Light Maybe my Angel?

I saw a white Light Maybe my Angel? for an instant out of my body witness  

I saw a white Light Maybe my Angel? : dear Sara, I saw a white Light, I think maybe my Angel, I don’t know why I thought of sending this message, I think my faith has withdrawn years ago when my grandfather died, I have always been a believer, I always went to church on my own when I was little, then my grandfather’s death changed everything, he had a thrombosis, I was little, my grandmother told me to pray God to save him, but he died, I stopped going to church, praying and most of all believing.

Then on Saturday evening I had a motorbike accident, I was on a bridge my motorbike started to slid underneath me, then the windshield flew away and I just lost control, it went off accelerating and I flew down over the bridge, I didn’t know what to do, I screamed like you do when you’re on the rollercoaster, then I closed my eyes and waited for the car behind to run me over, at that point I saw a white light that took me out of my body for a few seconds, it was nice, I don’t know what it was, but I think that light saved me.

I’m a twenty-three y/o girl, I’m very slim, and although my motorbike ended up on top of me, and even the stand pierced my shoe and my foot, I was OK, well, many wounds, and many painful excoriations, my knee hurt, along with my foot that was trapped underneath, on my neck and on my back but I’m still here and I can laugh about it.

Two weeks ago I went to church after a very long time to pray for me and my family, I felt the need to, I don’t know if I’ve regained my belief, you don’t regain belief because you’ve avoided a hazard, but I’m sure I’ve got an Angel, it wasn’t the first time I happened to see that light, years ago I had a slight motorbike accident and I saw Him, who knows, maybe it’s the same Angel who tucks me up to sleep at night.

I saw a white Light Maybe my Angel? for an instant out of my body witness was told by Vanessa

I saw a white Light Maybe my Angel? for an instant out of my body witness

I saw a white Light Maybe my Angel?

www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels
