If you seek Angels poems

If you seek Angels poems If you seek Angels don’t look very far


If you seek Angels poems


If you seek Angels ….


Don’t look very far …. they are not distant ….. they are right here … near us …. they wear our clothes, they smile with our faces … they live in us.


Every one of us is an Angel of ourselves, in the measure in which we recognize ourselves as such, we forgot the day that we decided to hide our wings and demonstrate our grandness in humility .... and the most profound grandness is being able to Love ….


Love …. what a big word …. Love is in the small things and in the end those are the biggest things …..


Love is welcoming with a smile …. because nobody will ever be so poor as to not have a smile to give.


Love is the touch you receive by a stranger …. but it starts from the chart, Love is seeking in depth, inside us … and in the wonderful treasure chest called heart finding ourselves …. having the strength and the audacity (because in this world it is audacity) to donate and show the precious pearls that we have in our heart.


Don’t let events or people break your wings … it’s difficult because if we donate everything …. we can lose everything …. but in reality everything is donated to us through life, which is such only if we live it with love.


In the space inside my heart I found an Angel …. don’t ask for explanations to my words … they come from the heart, and to your heart is where they want to arrive … and the Angel is now … my best friend, He speaks with a wise and confident voice.


There are moment in my life where He wants to be heard … those moments are what we call “goose bumps”, but I call them “the touch of an Angel” pay attention to those moments …. they are the most important ones because the Angel inside you wants to speak with you ….


If you seek Angels don’t look very far




If you seek Angels poems If you seek Angels don’t look very far


If you seek Angels poems


www.leparoledegliangeli.comen The words of the Angels

