Give as a gift what you do not have poem

Give as a gift what you do not have poem


Give as a gift what you do not have


Give as a gift what you do not have …

solve troubles, solve problems

that belong to other people


Take into heart the anguish

the needs of those who are close to you.


Give as a gift to others the light you do not possess,

the strength you do not possess,

the hope you feel is weak within you,

the faith you are devoid of.


Illuminate them from your darkness.


Enrich them with your poverty.


Give your smile as a gift

when you feel like crying


Create serenity

from the storm raging within you.

“Here, what I do not have, I gift you”.


This is your paradox.


You will notice that, little by little

joy will enter inside you,

invade your being,

it will truly become yours in the amount

in which you will have gifted it to others.

Give as a gift what you do not have poem




Give as a gift what you do not have poem The words of the Angels

