Healing Power Of Healing Energy Healing Energy Soul And Energy Of Love

Healing Power Of Healing Energy Healing Energy Soul And Energy Of Love
Today's message wants to teach you how much love is inside all of your hearts.
Brothers and sisters my beloved of an infinite love, if today I have come to talk to you again is because I have listened to your good hearts that asked me to be with you every time I wish to communicate my holy words.
Thank you for all this love that I have read in your hearts, you have filled me with joy and given me a new stimulus to dictate these messages born out of my love for all of you.
All of these brothers who have communicated their reply to me have been very happy to know that I am so close to each one of you to listen to each individual answer, but dear brothers we never did leave your thoughts that you formulate every single moment, however I am happy that you have rediscovered this today.
I bring you all the love that envelops you every moment of your existence on earth, I talk to you from my good heart and I talk to your good heart, the language is what allows two hearts to understand each other in a particular way because it's inside your good heart that all the infinite love is contained, and you can express it towards yourselves and towards your brothers and sisters of the entire world.
Starting today we begin to teach you in view of the commitment that every one of you will decide to dedicate to the project of transformation of the world that you and us are building together, brothers for this reason it is necessary to talk from our good heart to your good heart, precisely because it will be easier to build together; for the realization of this project it is important for you to ask for all the help that you may need and we will answer also through the messages that we will dictate to our friend Sara.
Some of you asked us explicitly to talk to you about the power of healing, operating on other brothers through sending a form of healing energy.
You see, every type of energy stems from your hearts and in any case every form of energy is spread through time and space and for this reason it can reach the people, the brothers, to whom it is addressed. Be aware that this energy always reaches those people to whom it was addressed to, then it stops right there and it is precisely the Soul of that person that chooses whether to accept it or reject it, nothing can enter a living being if that being chooses not to allow it, it is because of this option that sometimes you experiment failure despite your best intentions and conditions.
My brothers remember this, to help a patient with all of your effort of love you will need the help from the patient himself.
Don't ever stop helping your brothers and sisters, put all of your respect in your helping those who need you and ask for your help, look for the beauty and the perfection of the whole being in a creature, don't think that the fact that he needs your help will transform him in someone who might appear less perfect than you, that creature has asked for your help to function better than the way he feels at that specific moment, for this reason I told you earlier that first of all you should put the respect for that perfect creature who is on a period of temporary difficulty.
When afterward, in addition to your respect you will also send all of the love that you have in your good heart, then you will discover that the benefits can be great, that the healing is great because the entire process of transmitting your energy of love and healing will have been great and right.
This message is not only dedicated to the sister that explicitly asked to talk about this subject, but it is addressed to all of you so that all of you may learn to help all of your brothers.
Today I say goodbye to you with an even bigger hug because I am happy to be here with you talking with all my good heart and all my great love that I have for all of you, for you my brothers and sisters.
I love you with all my own self and I promise you that I will always, always listen to you and that I will answer as soon as possible to all of the questions that you will send from your good heart.
I say goodbye one last time.
Your brother Jesus who blesses you in the name of the Father, the Son, the Virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit, go in peace and with my Spirit.
Healing Power Of Healing Energy Healing Energy Soul And Energy Of Love was the Message received 19th October 2003
Healing Power Of Healing Energy Healing Energy Soul And Energy Of Love
www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels
