The Colours Of Expressions And Feelings The Colours Of The Soul 1

The Colours Of Expressions And Feelings The Colours Of The Soul 1
My adored brothers and my adored sisters, today I have come to you to talk of this great Love that we feel for all of you who listen to our words dictated for Love to all of your good hearts.
The truths that we are about to remind you of and that you can recognize inside your good hearts, are the truths that have always existed and forever will exist, and until humankind will be on earth they will be reminded to give everybody the opportunity to grow on the path of Love.
Today we will talk, together with our Father, about another truth: the power of change that Love brings with it.
I must tell you that lately, I have seen you grow rapidly, beyond our expectations, with my own eyes I have seen you put more love into your daily lives, I have seen you do many of your errands, at home, at work, with your heart, with a lot more love than I was accustomed to see you mobilize.
Many of you have already seen positive results, many are about to see them and many are thinking about putting more love into their actions, their gestures, their commitments and in the relationships with their families and relationships with their brothers who are both close to them and in the entire world.
This fills me with pride because I feel I am being listened to by your mind and especially by your hearts.
For this reason today I decided to talk to you of Love's strength, Love's power of transformation with the purpose of helping you being more aware of this transformation and help you put even more affection, love, in your lives.
So, my dear brothers and my dear sisters, you must know that inside every human being beats a good heart. Not your heart in the physical sense, which beats in a manner that is conditioned by the vital movement of the entire physical body, when I refer to a good heart beating I mean that inside every human being, what is beating is the immense Love that our Father gave you, it comes in the shape of a little flame that reflects all colours of the truth.
This little light is made up of many lights that can be sent in different combinations to help your brothers or even yourselves if you need it.
These are the colours:
White: colour of possibility;
Light Blue: colour of mobilization;
Yellow: colour of change;
Then we have the colours of attitude:
Red: colour of attitude towards Faith;
Green: colour of attitude towards Compassion and Forgiveness;
Blue: colour of attitude towards unconditional Love;
Then we have the colours towards yourselves:
White and blue: colour of possibility of loving unconditionally;
White and green: colour of possibility of forgiving and being compassionate;
White and red: colour of possibility of reinforcing the Faith;
Light blue and blue: mobilization of attitude towards loving unconditionally
Light blue and green: mobilization of attitude towards forgiving and understanding one another
Light blue and red: mobilization of attitude to understand one another, to feel part of the whole.
Yellow and blue: change and abandonment of selfishness and selfish interests.
Yellow and green: change and abandonment of hatred, jealousies, injustices;
Yellow and red: change and abandonment of concept of being alone, without the Father;
Then we have the colours towards others:
White and blue: help within the possibility to love unconditionally
White and green: help within the possibility to forgive and to have compassion
White and red: help within the possibility to reinforce the Faith;
Light blue and blue: help mobilize the attitude toward unconditional love
Light blue and green: help mobilize the attitude towards forgiving each other and understanding each other
Light blue and red: helping mobilize the attitude toward understanding each other, feel part of the whole;
Yellow and blue: help within change and abandonment of selfishness and selfish interests
Yellow and green: help within change and abandonment of hatred, jealousies, injustices;
Yellow and red: help within change and abandonment of the concept of being alone, without the Father;
Then we have the colours that help us in specific feelings:
Purple: feeling of Peace;
Violet: feeling of Justice
Silver: feeling of Hope
Gold: feeling of the immense Love
Then there are colours to combine:
White and purple: possibility to promote the feeling of Peace;
White and violet: possibility to promote the feeling of Justice;
White and silver: possibility to promote the feeling of Hope;
White and Gold: possibility to promote the feeling of the immense Love;
Light blue and purple: mobilize inside good hearts the feeling of Peace;
Light blue and violet; mobilize inside good hearts the feeling of Justice;
Light blue and silver: mobilize inside good hearts the feeling of Hope;
Light blue and gold: mobilize inside good hearts the feeling of the immense Love;
Yellow and purple: change and abandonment of feeling of war;
Yellow and violet: change and abandonment of feeling of oppression;
Yellow and silver: change and abandonment of feeling of destructiveness;
Yellow and gold: change and abandonment of feeling of selfishness.
These are some of the colours that exist inside your little flame, this little light, inside your good heart, are you astonished? But We have always said that inside every good heart everything is already written and everything can be mobilized for yourselves and to help all of your brothers.
I will answer those brothers who have already asked me what is the difference between possibility and mobilization:
Possibility means having available but not knowing it.
Mobilization means having available and knowing it.
You see my brothers and sisters, how many times did it happen to you, brothers who do not think that they have anything important inside their hearts, often they feel empty, and in these cases it's better to send a white light that opens possibilities.
I will answer another question that you are already asking me, which is what does a white and blue light look like? For us it's a special colour, distinct, just like red or green, but for you they are two different colours, therefore do visualize with love this sum of colours and then send it to yourselves or to your brothers.
Another question is if in addition to these colours there are other colours that you can use, the answer is yes, many other colours can be used, but it's already been hard enough sending you these colours; on another day we will take up this subject again, in the meantime my brothers begin to utilize these colours, later we will see the other colours, but first of all and at all times, whenever you use these teachings of ours, remember to put in first place your great love and in second place respect for yourselves and for all of your brothers.
This important teaching was sent to you so that you can help those brothers of yours that are experiencing difficulties as well as help you reinstate the ideal balance inside yourselves.
Dear brothers, always respect every brother of yours, look at him as a perfect creature who is not aware of his own perfection; helping them means helping this brother find again the perfection inside himself. Help your brothers while keeping this important teaching in your mind and in your heart.
I say goodbye to you my dear brothers and my dear sisters, I send you a big, big kiss and I bless you with all of the Love that I feel for you, I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, the Virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit, go in Peace and bring Peace to your brothers in your world and in the whole world.
Your father says Hello, He always comes here with us to follow up on our dictations and to help us whichever way possible because it is not easy to transmit especially when they are concepts that are different and new even for our friend Sara, but today we have managed it once again.
Your brother Jesus who says goodbye together with the Father.
So long my brothers and my beloved sisters.
The Colours Of Expressions And Feelings The Colours Of The Soul 1 was the Message dictated 04th April 2004
The Colours Of Expressions And Feelings The Colours Of The Soul 1 The words of the Angels
