Choice Reflection Research Growth Existence Infinite Moment of Experimentation of Your Being

Choice Reflection Research Growth Existence Infinite Moment of Experimentation of Your Being
My loved and adored children, here I am today once again at your side to talk about Love.
Inside every occasion it’s necessary to reflect to then decide in your heart which attitude, which behavior, which words to donate. Inside every moment the reflection coming from inside you when in contact with the Love of your Being will determine your every attitude.
Listening to your Being constitutes reflection.
I am loving, this is my Being, in this moment shall I to express myself to others or to the other person, in the search for my complete expression of Love, or shall I proceed with the silent body?
You notice that every moment is a choice, it’s reflection. Constant stimuli manifest around you and truly in every instant the situation stimulates you to choice and reflection.
To donate or not to donate?
Experiment myself or not experiment myself?
Words from the heart or silence from the body?
To Be or not to Be?
At all times you seek an answer in your heart, from the inside out and everything answers to you and upon you.
Research is the expression of yourself.
In every moment this reflection is inside the heart: if I choose to express myself as Love, I choose to Be myself as expression of Love because I am Love; if I choose not to express myself, I am Love anyway, which defers over time the expression of his Being.
And over the course of a lifetime many moments of the expression of your Being Love are procrastinated over time.
But Love is always your priority, you feel it inside the heart, but will the right moment ever arrive?
If you feel in your heart that to Love is a priority, many of my children limit their love to a companion, to a partner, to their children, to some family members and to certain friends; but if loving is a priority in your heart, how can you limit this feeling to only certain people?
The brother next to you, he is like a sweet child of mine, like you he has as a priority to love inside his heart, like you he experiments to get to know himself as Being of Love, like you he has opportunities to reflect and choose to donate himself.
In the contact between two hearts he always experiments himself, himself in the relation with the other person as a contact with his own heart and contact with the heart of the other person, and the contact becomes the experience.
A few minutes and the heart of another sweet child of mine gives you the opportunity to experiment yourselves once again in your Being Love and a new experience can be born.
These days repeat themselves as a regular experience of yourselves as Being Love
If waiting brings you the desire to express yourself completely, to experiment yourself completely in your Being, then your existence, your life brings you possibilities for experiencing Being at every moment. Reflection and choice in every moment means growth; reflection and choice some time in the future means a desire for growth.
Listen, why wait till tomorrow?
The entire existence is an infinite moment of experimentation of your Being, it’s a gradual realization of your Being, and you are the ones who set the pace for your growth.
Will tomorrow perhaps be different from today? No, the Love will be recognized as the same even tomorrow, it will be the same even a long time from now, if you don’t experiment yourselves today.
Listen to me, your desire to realize yourselves completely tomorrow, sometimes creates an illusion, your being Love does not magically build itself, you have the illusion of the complete expression of yourselves but unfortunately, the companion you will choose will be just like you an expression of his Being which is matured over time, like you, the companion, the partner, will be an expression of the experimentation done by his Being Love up until that contact, expression of Love reached from his continuous experimenting himself, or from his desire to experiment himself tomorrow. And there is so much bitterness at realizing that the desire was not fulfilled.
It would have been better to experiment myself over time rather than today, now that the time has passed. Only desire, but what did I learn about myself over time? That I am desire, but that I am not my fulfilled Being.
It’s necessary to transform the desire into life, and today it’s my life, and tomorrow it’s my life and every moment it’s my life and you will forge ahead in good speed toward your realization.
If in life it’s more than natural to have contacts with great intensity of affection with certain brothers, including children, however it’s necessary for your growth and your realization to always be an expression of yourself, in your reflection, in your constant choice inside your heart.
To Be, your priority is to Be: to Love in the expression of yourself as you get to know yourself, as you recognize yourself, communicating yourself to others and to yourself.
And this is what is lived moment by moment also in life on earth.
With all of my Love, a sweet happy birthday to our Sara, and happy birthday also to my daughter Elena, an infinite Love will welcome you one day, the same infinite Love that is next to you every day.
A song to celebrate you and all of my children who use Love, you think of a sun who shines upon me, your hearts are like the sun for me.
And while I sing the infinite Love that I have for you, from my heart I have hope for an endless sun in front of my eyes.
To be a Heart is wonderful
To be Love is wonderful
With you, with all my children
Your Father
Message transmitted 14th June 2007
Title Choice Reflection Research Growth Existence Infinite Moment of Experimentation of Your Being
Choose English version in (the words of the Angels)
