Death And Life Messages From God

Death And Life Messages From God About Death And Life
Death And Life Messages From God : my dear sons, my dear daughters, I am the Father, once again I am here with my words, I am next to all of you; on the 2nd of November death is remembered, on the 2nd day of November life is remembered, I want to talk to you of death, and I want to talk to you of life.
Are you listening to me?
Today for you is the remembrance of the end, when that brother, that sister, that parent, that child, that relative left earth. Their mortal remains, the lifeless body was your last memory. And then the memories of their lives next to you. And then anguish and pain at not hearing from them again, speaking, their gestures, being with you. And you threw angry words at this sky and the feeling of abandonment entered your hearts. And then as you continue with your lives, this abandonment is mitigated by the experiences of Love that you have felt, however this feeling is still present inside you, and on this day it resurfaces with renewed arrogance. In our hearts are the famous memories, but also the feeling of having been left behind. And this is the reason for my message to all of you.
Those brothers whom you believe have disappeared are alive here in the Sky today, they are not dormant, not waiting, life is inside them. Of course, those bothers have the life in the Sky, a life of great meaning; since their lives are in the Love it’s a life entirely dedicated to finally being Love in full freedom. Every moment in the Sky is a manifestation of Love and in front of my eyes I see my children always busy loving you and growing, evolving, through the constant experience of Love, and what I see all around me is life for me.
Being in this state in the Sky is like a great smile of Love. A smile that they exchange between them, and to us. They have a smile toward you on earth. A smile that contemplates Love, and their desire to help their brothers with Love. I see this smile around me, I see resplendent faces with my eyes. I see resplendent hearts around me, hearts that are living now in the Love and for Love.
I understand the feeling of abandonment that you may experience, and your looking back and remembering the moments of Love you lived together, however my eyes see their lives, the happiness of their heart, the happiness in their expression, happiness in their smile and so much happiness in the contact with your hearts.
Today through this message, they feel happiness and hope in their hearts, hope that you will manage to think of them as life and not as death, hope that you will manage to think of them not in anguish but in happiness, hope that you will manage to think of them next to you and not gone somewhere far away.
All of you have seen a contact through your experiences together, over time there has been experience of contact between you, why erase that experience? Contact for us means communicating in that moment “I am, and I am next to you, close to you every moment that your heart thinks of me in sadness, in anguish it often calls for me, in the abandonment it seeks me, I am with you in life on earth, next to you, there are no words but gestures for me, I am not a presence of a body but I am next to you, I do not laugh because you can not hear me, but in your heart I transmit hope and all of my joy to be of help to you; time has erased my body but not my heart, it’s with my heart that I am next to you, this is my reality now, I am heart, the same heart that you love and that loves you incessantly, and that dedicates all of this Love to you; do not seek anymore from that body, I left it, I did not leave it behind on earth to be adored, at the time I needed it in order to be with you, it was necessary to my heart in life to be with you, but as I left my body my heart is now with you without any more need of a body.
When I left it, I felt happiness in my heart and I felt happiness constantly in my heart ever since, and my happiness is also in the constant contact with you.
Today your eyes are seeking me but I see you, and I saw many tears leaving your eyes as I was watching you, and you looked for traces of me while I was watching you, you sought me amongst my things while I was watching you. Your eyes have a defect, you could not see me while I was watching you, I was next to you, you were looking for me and I was there, always there with you. I feel you in my heart, our contact today is like a telephone, today and forever, a telephone, our hearts are always in contact.
And you know that there is no end, as Souls, as hearts, there is no end. From the Sky we go to earth, to then return back to the Sky, our existence is such a limited experience, it’s like minutes over a great span of time, but life on earth is important, through this experience is how we learn most of what we know about ourselves, earthly life for the heart is a big moment, it’s existence far away from the Love, to discover how much Love we truly have inside, those memories you never forgot speak to you of this, of how much Love I donated on earth, this is what is inside your memories, my heart, and now the heart is the same, but in the Love you feel yourself, albeit in more freedom, and in this freedom I love you.
And in this freedom the Sky is upon you my children. Treasure every word you listen and look at the Sky no longer as a place that holds your loved ones far away from you, but as life, as the Love that is constant presence with all of you from the Sky.
I kiss you with Love and I welcome your prayers for help, always with you
Your Father
Death And Life Messages From God About Death And Life was the Message dictated 2nd November 2008
Death And Life Messages From God About Death And Life
Death And Life Messages From God The words of the Angels
