Soul And Emotions Soul Heart

Soul And Emotions Soul Heart Talking About Itself


Soul And Emotions : my loved brothers, my loved sisters, your journey is to experiment your Soul, this takes place through the experiences that you yourselves designed before you descended on earth, before incarnating on earth; you imagined experimenting yourselves in life as a heart in contact with other hearts, to allow yourselves the expression of the Love of which you are made, the Love inside you has a voice and is talking about you with every contact; in every contact you manifest that part of you that is the feeling; everything is accompanied by your feelings; your eyes express them, your actions express them, talking express them, every message you send describes your feelings completely.


Every contact thus becomes an experience of you as a heart, an experience brings you to know deep inside what you are experiencing, and for others it’s an experience of a heart in contact with them, talking about itself.


This experience happens all the time, in every possible condition in which you are involved.


You seek to express yourselves completely through the act of feeling the experience of the emotions inside.


This act of feeling is very important, feeling the emotions inside, recognizing the emotion you are feeling, recognizing the reason for the emotion you are feeling, what generated it, understanding the emotion itself that you are feeling and that is talking about itself and then about the expression of itself to others.


The experience is a constant passage through the emotions, the feeling in the knowledge of the heart and of the Love contained inside.


This precious content that manifests inside you through your feelings is the sweet Love that you are discovering, as you experiment through every contact. As you listen to your emotions, to what you are feeling, there is a contact with the flowing of the Love inside you.


As you listen to yourselves in this flowing, you hear your own Love as it manifests itself, this event inside you brings you to touch the expression of Love that you carry inside and you can feel whether the expression of Love you bring expresses everything to you, or only part of it.


Expressing Love is a choice, it represents you, and as you feel every expression of you in each emotion, you are choosing whether you want to be represented by this experience, or to sweetly change by activating your love, so that this new experience may represent you to other hearts.


All this experience you are leading on earth is your path of growth, and by experimenting in the contact with your feelings, and with the flowing of the Love through you, you are fulfilling your intent that lead you all the way here, the knowledge of yourselves as Love in your most complete freedom to listen to yourselves, to get to know yourselves, to define yourselves, to evolve through the increasingly intense expression of what you are carrying with your Love, since forever.


This is with every heart, every condition, it’s this feeling, this is the journey that every heart has come to take through the incarnation, this is the journey of growth that is happening inside your heart.


I say goodbye with Love


Your brother Jesus Christ



Soul And Emotions Soul Heart Talking About Itself was the Messages from Jesus Christ 16th February 2009



Soul And Emotions Soul Heart Talking About Itself Messages


Soul And Emotions The words of the Angels

