The Commitment For A Child As An Act Of Love

The Commitment For A Child As An Act Of Love messages


The Commitment For A Child As An Act Of Love : my dear and beloved brothers and my dear and beloved sisters, today it’s time for our walk together, let’s see who we will meet along the way, all of us together in the heart to our brothers.


You bump into so many people on the street. A couple discussing, things to do, the children, almost always in a hurry, it almost feels like the many things, from the shopping to the various activities attract your attention to them and away from the Love that is felt for the children, take the children, drop them off, but who will pick them up? Everything in a hurry, there is never ever a moment of calm to dedicate to affection, then tomorrow, your hope for tomorrow, and inevitably tomorrow will be “Tomorrow we will find time”. Humanity runs so much, postponing so much till tomorrow. Those two people are confronting each other on timetables, on taking care of chores, and even in that specific moment there is not an exchange of hearts, only of commitments.


I am watching them with compassion, in the heart I feel that their efforts are all donated to the children, looking after them is Love that is donated, everything for the growth is still an effort that is donated in the name of Love, everything is guided by Love, but Love for them, listening, a remembrance of Love is guiding them, the affection for their children, Love before the commitment is being aware that things, every effort is determined by Love. And so, taking care of these things means Loving my children through doing things for them, it’s giving meaning to the tiniest commitment for a child as an act of Love. I am very happy, this effort for you, my child, does involve my heart because I love you.


And finally this Love so lived is felt inside me during my day. It’s still Love when I happily come to pick you up “How did it go today?” therefore speaking is another moment in which I can give you my affection and even my hug brings you my heart, together, we are in the heart together in this moment, the Love I feel inside is growing together with you, it’s a moment lived from our hearts.


Now I will welcome that discussion with a different objective, it’s not like adding the effort but understanding that through that effort, the things I do for my child, I want to send him Love, I want to bring him advantage, my effort brings him advantage, it’s for him, for the advantageous growth of my child.


Here comes a nice embrace, now this couple is united in the Love, they feel as hearts that love their own creature and that together help each other out in the experience, this creature was born from their union, the time when they met, the time when the couple matured, the time when the dreams were placed in the other person’s hands so they could be fulfilled, this is a couple because it was born from Love, it does not forget the Love of back then, and you still live Love in these times, and this time is all for you as long as you walk in the light of Love.


This is the reflection for today: life, time, it’s a constant opportunity to deploy your heart and live yourselves in the experience of Love.


With all my heart.


Your brother Jesus Christ


The Commitment For A Child As An Act Of Love was the Message dictated 25th October 2010




The Commitment For A Child As An Act Of Love messages


The Commitment For A Child As An Act Of Love The words of the Angels

