Knowledge as a value to seek the truth

Knowledge as a value to seek the truth messages


Knowledge as a value to seek the truth : my beloved brothers and my beloved sisters, right now there is a contact and it’s a moment of great joy for me, watching you read my words, now on the screen and soon after in your heart, this gives me such a beautiful emotion; you see, my brothers and sisters, what I feel, the joy at seeing you taking the opportunity to make contact with what I am teaching, it answers the desire of my heart to help you with your growth.


There is a lot of prejudice in the world, which carries a lot of false truths, a prejudice that is unfortunately always encouraged in the world, what is necessary to mislead you by orienting your conscience toward what is said as opposed to what is the truth. A truth that only the contact, only knowledge contains.


When you hear a person tell you something, your reply starts from the idea that the story is truthful, in that moment in time you side with that truth coming from the heart that just spoke to you and, from that, you base your response.


Then another thought comes to you, another truth in stark contrast with what had been told, and you begin to ask yourselves “what is the truth?”, the contrast between words, the contradiction between words, this is your question because in the contrast you seek the truth.


Inside yourselves you keep asking, constantly, it’s important to question yourselves, to know the truth, knowing the truth is constant in the existence. Knowing becomes an occasion to make contact with what is, knowledge as a value to be in contact with the truth, to then spread the knowledge in the contact with the world.


If for many of you the problem is to seek, for others the problem is how to seek. The heart, through the emotion it feels with an encounter, when it feels the other heart, clearly feels other emotions, when it participates to the emotions of the other heart; it notices that it is in touch with the truth. This is the experience of being in contact, it transforms the encounter into an opportunity for contact with the truth; you see, a contact as an occasion to know the truth, making contact is the opportunity to escape from contradiction, in the contact is the revelation of what is the truth.


Today your eyes are on these words that I am sending you, and your hearts, listening in, seem to calmly keep listening to me, it’s our contact, my brothers and sisters, this is what allows them to hear, this serenity in listening that you are experiencing, it allows you the knowledge and contact with the serenity with which I am speaking to all of you; your serenity is the reflection of what I am feeling myself as I dictate, in your serenity you make contact with my serenity, contact with the truth of my serenity.


This is your heart that now is listening to the Love that is being expressed.


In many situations some brothers get stuck on their own opinions, they convince you, sometimes they impose their vision on you, they enter and leave a situation which they are talking about, and they place in the experience of your heart violence in the reasoning, this knowledge in listening to the heart highlights, my brothers and sisters, that the basis for reason is not knowledge, but a biased reason that comes from an opinion, up to transmitting a falsehood; now the experience is in you, the contact with this transmission, the contact with what your heart is registering as a reflex of what the other heart is communicating, now that this knowledge is in you, my brothers and my sisters, it’s up to you to understand in turn, and to seek the truth.


Remember, serenity, a calm expression is an expression of knowledge.


This Love inside you, which sometimes is not heeded, gathers knowledge, and when in contact with it, it sends you the truth.


Well, let’s conclude the contact, I embrace you in my Love, I embrace you with all of my heart because in my serenity I am happy to be with you.


Your brother Jesus Christ


Knowledge as a value to seek the truth was the Message dictated 02nd December 2010




Knowledge as a value to seek the truth messages


Knowledge as a value to seek the truth The words of the Angels

