Love that is deployed in the field

Love that is deployed in the field for the goodness of everyone


Love that is deployed in the field : my beloved brothers and my beloved sisters, today distances among our realities have shortened considerably thanks to the effort of many brothers, turning their Love into a bridge through which we are communicating intensively; what is happening is filling each one of you with joy because this is an opportunity for us to involve you with the Love that we feel among us, and from us to all brothers and sisters that are in the Love, experimenting themselves in the path of growth through the experience on earth.


Every turmoil, brothers, is met with words from us, every misunderstanding is cleared up through words from us, next to Love it’s easy to find words that fill the heart with sweetness, of affection from our loved ones, from the Love that knows no interruptions from the life that was left on earth, this is through a message, words said, or dictated for you in the effort to send you the emotion that animates the life in our times.


For me, having descended on earth a long time ago, concentrating for the duration of the message to give you these words completely erases all distances, I am among you just like a long time ago, and the effort of my heart to send you my emotions through my words is now just like it’s always been. You are all in my heart, every brother, every sister is inside me, you are all precious, you are all inside my Love.


I thank you brothers and sisters, who are bringing your Love all the way up here and you bring our Love all the way down there.


This contact is the fruit of your emotions, it allows Love to be among you, and the Love that you carry corresponds to a possibility that which for many is a great desire, a need for contact.


Many brothers ask themselves about your effort, sometimes also bringing some fears and uncertainties, but the effort that comes from you is first of all determined by the Love that is deployed in the field for the goodness of everyone, your strength necessary for your effort comes from this.


Today the effort that you carry fills many hearts with joy, this is what you are bringing: joy for many hearts. Being among you, watching you as you listen to our words, this is an experience of joy that you are carrying.


Despite some bad moods in someone who does not understand, the experience that you bring is one of joy, and your emotion, which determines the effort, is an experience of joy, that of hearing the Sky that rallies around for you, to inject emotion into your reality.


Today, as we send the message, my words, my thankfulness to you, I do not forget the many brothers and sisters that are waiting for my help, however, today these words are for you: may lots of Love always guide you towards us, so that, as we donate ourselves, may my words, my help pour all over you, on you and all of you brothers and sisters. No distance can ever separate us with the effort of your heart.


My wish to all of my beloved brothers and sisters, my kiss in the morning


Your brother Jesus Christ


Love that is deployed in the field for the goodness of everyone was the Message dictated 9th September 2011




Love that is deployed in the field for the goodness of everyone


Love that is deployed in the field The words of the Angels

