Understanding of the heart

Understanding of the heart understanding the heart that is suffering messages


Understanding of the heart : I am with you my dear and beloved brothers, and my dear and beloved sisters, I start to speak to you about understanding, because in your world you think of the contents of your minds versus understanding the heart.


There are many moments that go through life when a heart feels compressed inside pain and notices what happens in the world, but this pain from the heart seems to force it to only take care of itself; many times this pain places it in contact with the suffering that is felt, but in the suffering you need to hear the many words pronounced by the heart; all these words are necessary to understanding the heart that is suffering; in the emotion there are words that allow me to understand myself in my suffering and to place my Love to compensate for what is the necessity of the heart; a suffering heart has needs; the Love you donated helps alleviate the pain of those who lost a loved one; memories can be reactivated to place Love inside a suffering heart; in your journey the experience that are the opposite of what you are experiencing can help you put back inside you the Love that is necessary to your heart; through understanding the words of your pain, you can compensate the heart for being like a parent to you, tending to its creature, it’s like embracing one another to console each other.


Remaining with you is like staying with your heart through suffering, and taking care of oneself, of these needs of the heart, and to give Love for you in the heart.


It’s important, as you take care of your heart, is the Love that you can tap into from the inside yourselves and to give to yourselves.


In life, which is a life in the emotions, a life that a heart is facing, every moment brings an emotion inside you, and, inside this life that you are going through, emotions produce reactions which need to be attended to, sweetly, from you to yourselves. The heart is delicate and, as you take care of it, the words to dedicate to yourself will also be delicate.


I embrace you from the heart and I place my Love inside you


Your brother Jesus Christ


Understanding of the heart understanding the heart that is suffering messages was the Message dictated 7July 2011




Understanding of the heart understanding the heart that is suffering messages


Understanding of the heart


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

