To listen to the words of the heart

To listen to the words of the heart I am happy when


To listen to the words of the heart : my beloved brothers and my beloved sisters, through my words I would like to give you my help so that you may transform inside your heart, your heart shines on the inside but it is surrounded by obscurity.


I am happy, this is the heart that speaks, when I find myself in the opportunity, when I feel the emotion flowing through me, when I feel the other so close to me as to feel a unique entity with the other, I am happy when a heart returns the gesture and I light up with Love, I am happy when, as I worry with my commitment, I see a solution, when I am in the middle of people and I feel surrounded by hearts that are listening just like I am doing, I am happy when I meet those who are important to me and I see they are serene, when a couple exchanges a greeting and understands each other’s Love, when a gesture of Love is for a child, when you speak of Love, all this is happiness that I feel; this shining is a wonderful opportunity for me, this is the opportunity that I, as a heart, always want to feel. I find myself in life in this precise moment as I shine, I feel as an emotion, I feel like I am entirely an emotion, I feel life inside me. When I look back at the time past, an emotion is connected to my memories, remembering them places me right in that moment and I feel inside the emotion that I felt, I feel as an emotion that shines over time, the time is the opportunity to shine, I would always like to be in the time and position myself to take the opportunity to shine, and I would be an opportunity to shine in every occasion.


This is the heart that speaks inside you, brothers and sisters who are in this life undergoing your earthly passage, you can shine in this moment, you hear this voice through your emotion, this happiness that resides inside you and is always ready to shine, always ready to seize the opportunity, and at the same time suffers from your rushing through your commitments, from you eliminating your effort, from feeling your actions as a weight, from being blind to your brothers, and from feeling detached from the entire context; this is your time: the time for the heart to shine.


This message is an invitation to listen to the words of the heart, and to choose how to be in the time of your life that you are living now, perhaps life to you is a chore, but for the heart it’s an opportunity to shine. Of course earth is no Paradise, but Paradise is made up of moments inside you in these emotions, you carry Paradise with you at all times, don’t miss any opportunity to try it, to feel it, to live moments where your shining heart brings you in contact with yourselves, with what you are.


I say goodbye from heart and in the Love, I feel my heart happy to greet you in the Love.


Your brother Jesus Christ


To listen to the words of the heart I am happy when was the Message dictated 3rd November 2011




To listen to the words of the heart I am happy when


To listen to the words of the heart The words of the Angels

