Earthly life is like a testing lab

Earthly life is like a testing lab every moment defines your reality


Earthly life is like a testing lab : sweet and beloved brothers and sweet and beloved sisters, today I would like to talk to you of the future; today is presence, tomorrow the life that will see us together will continue on, and the memories of today will return to you as the life of the past, you will have simultaneously your imagination of all of you in these moments on earth, you will all see your evolution, you will be happy with some moments, but you will also see shadows coming from moments every time when, through your actions, you acted with non-Love; memories and every action will unravel in front of you for the problems that you had in the heart in that moment, in that situation, the reasons for your choices, but also your attempts to do something differently.


You will say thank you to your life for what it gave you, for every moment in which you will feel the joy and you will always say thank you for the problems that you encountered, because they allowed you to experience your limitations, your contradictions, your difficulties to always choose what’s good.


Earthly life is like a testing lab, you descend with so much faith in your abilities to choose, to decide, to be the absolute value, and then every single moment leads you to experiment yourselves, and it’s all truth, the choices you make, every moment defines your reality.


The memory of these moments will add awareness to your soul and from that moment on you will focus on overcoming those problems to which your eyes have been opened.


Situation after situation, you will want to be in the field, just like when, in your earthly life, you will encounter difficulties to be an expression of your goodness, and you will find yourselves chasing the life of the experiences that today, my loved ones, is your life.


In this moment you are all living life, yours, you are in this laboratory, you are in your every choice, you are in your every contradiction you are in your every limitation, you are in every work colleague, you are in the Love, you are in every relationship you create, you are part of the world, you are also in the problems of the world.


Today I remind you that, before you descended, absolute value was inside your soul, and as absolute value you would like to discover yourselves, being that expression of Love for what surrounds you, for those who surround you, this is the dream that you carry each day, that you carry with you in every situation, make sure that your existence may always be shining from your own truth, concentrate on the values you carry inside you, concentrate on your value, act with honesty, do things for the goodness of it, the experience is yours, it’s experience for each one of you, the experience will reveal to your eyes, you will ultimately be responsible for your actions, don’t let others direct your experience, may you be the center of your experience.


My brothers and my sisters, I know about your difficulties, however, let the air you breathe be full of choices that the Soul will one day fill with joy.


I embrace all of your hearts, you are in the experimenting  phase my loved brothers and my loved sisters, here, now begins a nice day in which you will be experience of yourselves, experience of yourselves as a choice, experience of you in the gift that you bring.


Your brother Jesus Christ


Earthly life is like a testing lab every moment defines your reality was the Message dictated 09th January 2012




Earthly life is like a testing lab every moment defines your reality


Earthly life is like a testing lab The words of the Angels

