I would like for every woman words

I would like for every woman words of Jesus Christ for 8th march women’s day


I would like for every woman : my dear sisters, my beloved, this is your day, and I place myself among all of you, my brothers will listen to me, but my message of wishes today is for you; I would like for every woman to be able to understand the fundamental place she occupies in society, not only for those who work, but for all those problems that a woman deals with in the family, with the parents, and all that, by being so organized, she is able to offer everyone presence, care, attention, and all support to the hearts that turn to her.


I would like for every woman to be the first one to love herself, to respect herself, as a Being and as a body, respect and importance toward their own Being and toward their own body.


I would like for every woman to feel like carrying the joy with herself and to others, feel like carrying Love just like she carried her baby while pregnant, feel like bringing a contribution with her own skills and intelligence to all those who form part of her world.


I would like for every woman to look with her own eyes to the world that surrounds her, I would like for her every freedom to give a contribution, building a better world , I would like for every woman a level playing field for every aspect: work, authorities, lay, rights, religion, safety, justice, politics, remuneration.


I would like for every woman to understand that being able to procreate was a gift for her and for her to love her body, and to have a lot of respect for the gift that she received.


I would like for every voice to kindly speak to her, and give her Love, and understanding, and respect as days go by, even when the eyes will reflect the time of a life that has been passing, its different light will shine from its feeling.


I would like for every day to be woman’s day, because it’s her effort that fills the world with peace.


Your brother Jesus Christ


I would like for every woman words of Jesus Christ for 8th march women’s day was the Message dictated 08th March 2012




I would like for every woman words of Jesus Christ for 8th march women’s day


I would like for every woman


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

