Orientation in life

Orientation in life conditioning of minds and messages in the heart


Orientation in life : my beloved brothers, my beloved sisters, today continues our meeting with the words I give to all of you, words with a message you can understand well, even with your minds, because your journey in the material world opens up to minds questioning them, and the goodness of the heart is very much influenced by these questions, and by what you believe are the answers.


This is why I will speak of how, among all of you, there can be Love, or non Love. Let’s start then.


Think of two brothers who lead their lives, with the same father, same mother, same hometown, and same living conditions, they have the same life experiences in the meaning that they are both involved in the experiences the family goes through, and yet in the heart they keep a memory of a family that can even be contradictory in the emotion, and this is because in their previous experiences these two minds , as they asked themselves about life and people, have answered by looking at the white or black of whatever life presented to them. And today’s life is conditioned by those answers their minds gave them.


You see how those answers can affect life among you? These answers from your baggage and your every aptitude is conditioned by them. Do you believe that the heart can free itself from this pressure? Even the heart is affected in its full expression by this predisposition with which you look at others, at people, and at all life even, and you always expect the same answer.


When you meet other people, to your eyes they are not strangers at all, you look at him with the aptitude that you identify with. And the same happens to the other person, they will look at you with the aptitude that they identify with.


This is just to show you how conditioned is a meeting between you.


Well, you are conditioned by it, and this is the starting point.


But the real starting point lies in the heart, the heart that records everything in the emotion, that notices every truth, that gains experience of the other person in what it feels is being transmitted inside, and gains experience of life in the contact with life inside you. Every emotion you can possibly feel in the heart is the real answer to what is happening, and in a little while, as you will pay attention, you will agree with me on how the heart is feeling in an instant, while the reasoning is lengthy to reach an orientation in life, the conditioned life.


My beloved brothers and my beloved sisters, this is the journey to take to be able to regain the message that communicates inside you every single second of your life, an important message of orientation in life, both toward other people, and the other, towards the experience that will make up your life.


Today I say goodbye to you with a kiss in the heart of all of you.


Your brother Jesus Christ who is waiting you in the heart and who is listening to the words that your emotions are dictating in the message for you.


Orientation in life conditioning of minds and messages in the heart was the Message dictated 22nd January 2013




Orientation in life conditioning of minds and messages in the heart


Orientation in life


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

