Words in the heart dialogue

Words in the heart dialogue in the emotions


Words in the heart dialogue : I surround you in my light my beloved brothers and my beloved sisters, may my light take your pain away from you, send it to me, and leave in its place the great Love that I feel for you; in the feeling, the Love I am feeling for you is so great that it colors everything, my heart and every shade of colors shines, and extends out, and comes toward you, and covers you with color, light brings you all the Love I feel, and puts a message of Love inside you “my light is upon you, and next to you is my effort for you my brothers and my sisters, an effort to face those moments when you are worried, your moments of pain, the wounds of the heart, every turbulence, every conflict, every misunderstanding, your heart will always receive words from me for you, Love, listen and then my help comes”.


They are sweet words that give understanding, that add an element, that remove tension, that help in that moment to reflect inside the heart, and face the current moment in the best possible way you can.


This message I am dictating with words is the same I pronounce to you through my light, I am present in you, and I listen to your emotions, answering you with my sweet emotion.


So inside your heart is our dialogue between us, and it happens in the emotions, emotions that turn into words, first in the heart, and then in the mind, listening to them “How did that thought manage to come to my mind in that moment?” now you know, my words dictated for you to your heart.


Do you remember those moments, when you felt in a conflict, and with Love I invited you to pay attention and listen to the reason why you felt that way inside your heart? Even that time, when you were full of anger, with Love I invited you to welcome your anger and understand the reason for it, why you felt injured inside, it was my voice inside you, the contradiction in attitude that I had noticed in you, and I invited you to give a real voice to what you are, that too was my voice inside you.


They are moments, moments when you gave me your attention and listened to the world of emotions that were moving inside you, and next to your emotions you picked up on the emotions I communicated to you, you and I united in facing that precise moment, and you welcomed my voice, my effort next to you for you.


My brother, sister, Love is happiness when this effort is welcomed and helps restore serenity in your heart. The intention, as I was reminding you, is to place inside you a continuous contact with the world of the heart, there is your essence, what you truly are, in the body you are a Soul experimenting itself in what we are in truth: your center is the heart, the Soul.


With Love I embrace you in the heart


Your brother Jesus Christ


Words in the heart dialogue in the emotions was the Message dictated 26th January 2013




Words in the heart dialogue in the emotions


Words in the heart dialogue


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

