Love meaning of my actions

Love meaning of my actions and my Being Messages of teaching


Love meaning of my actions : my brothers and my sisters, today I have come with my heart to give you words of help, so that in this moment my hope may be able to reach you, as well as my Love; a help that may transform the emotion inside the heart by feeding it with possibilities and may it stimulate all of your hearts to turn as a possibility to the hearts of brothers and sisters.


Your Love would like to feel itself free in the heart, free of worries, problems, either his or others’ and only feel in the condition of freedom in life, savoring natural events like a pretty sunset, like being in the now, and in every moment, and enjoying every event that will present itself. This is what the heart would like, like facing life with a smile regardless of what may come, with a feeling of positivism, to then enjoy the day for the experience that it brought. This is life for the heart: letting time flow naturally, being present in the emotion at all times, and living every moment lightly, treasuring what the moment is bringing you.


In the now, the time wants to be in the now and it wants to live it.


Now, I am in this very moment, this is what the heart feels, the natural heart.


For many of you feeling natural is impossible, it’s a dream, sometimes it’s just a moment, but the condition in your flowing of time is a condition of conflict with what life actually is; everything is extremely heavy, the effort, the responsibility is heavy, even being among brothers, this is heavy too, every problem is heavy, heavy is the entire body as it proceeds in the existence, a wall separating the heart from its being natural.


My brothers, my sisters, the need for tenderness coming from your heart has Love in its core.


I live, I am alive, I can look at colors, in front of me are trees and all that is natural, all my actions have meaning, I chose a few people next to me in my life and my effort is to bring serenity to those whom I love, today next to me there are others, I can be in a relation with many of them, it has been my freedom to choose to be with these relations, and there are moment when there are worries and inherent difficulties, but my effort can nonetheless be a reality that gives them the affection that I feel from the bond I sense inside me, as a relationship, my accompanying them always has Love defining me, I will feel much more freedom in my life if today I will always feel that every moment of my day draws meaning from the feeling that I have inside my heart, for others as well as for myself.


In this condition, lightness becomes reality, life is my donating myself to all those who are important to me, to all those whom I chose for my life, to all those I love. There is no longer a barrier to my heart from being natural, as long as I place Love as the reason for the meaning of my actions and my Being.


I say goodbye sweetly to you,


Your Brother Jesus Christ


Love meaning of my actions and my Being Messages of teaching from the Sky 11th July 2013




Love meaning of my actions and my Being Messages of teaching


Love meaning of my actions The words of the Angels

