Le Parole degli Angeli
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Some Advice From The Angels

Some Advice From The Angels Love That Creates Optimism


Some Advice From The Angels : dear Sara, I will tell you about my short message from the Sky, yesterday I opened my book about Angels from Doreen Virtue, to seek advice on a topic that has been bothering me for a long time, I read a small part of it and then I went on with my day and forgot all about it; the question I had asked was: what can I do in this kind of situation?


This morning, I went to the living room where I had left the book, and it was open on a completely different page than the one I was reading yesterday, the page on the right was titled: “Focus”, the one on the left was “Follow your Dreams”. I understood that my much loved Angels are telling me to focus on fulfilling my dreams.


And so this is how I started my day with lots of optimism. The Sky is wonderful, all I keep doing is thanking them!


Thank you again to you too, Sara Luce!



Some Advice From The Angels Love That Creates Optimism was told by Maria Ines


Some Advice From The Angels Love That Creates Optimism


Some Advice From The Angels


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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