Le Parole degli Angeli
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Angelic Presence Experiences

Angelic Presence Experiences Silence Is Not Always Golden


Angelic Presence Experiences : dear Sara, I just read the message from Roberta and I just thought of something that happened to me a couple of years ago.


I was going through a rough period at work, with a tyrannical and mean boss who did nothing but humiliate his subordinates, including myself, making life very difficult for all of us.


I did not know what to do … I was torn between speaking to someone at work who might have been able to intervene with the situation, and the fear to do something wrong …. I was afraid that this person might think I was not trustworthy, a traitor (this person was in very good rapport with my supervisor)


One day, while I was waiting for my son in front of the school, I was asking the Sky to help me make the right decision, and all of a sudden I saw on the windshield of the car parked in front of mine a sticker with the words “Silence is not Golden”. Right at that moment I knew that I was not alone, and that speaking to that person at work was the right thing to do, and not just for me!


And so I did, and after a couple of months the supervisor left and now we all can work peacefully again.


A hug,


Angelic Presence Experiences Silence Is Not Always Golden was told by Daniela


Angelic Presence Experiences Silence Is Not Always Golden


Angelic Presence Experiences


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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