Life after death Images other side photo unborn girl

Life after death Images other side photo unborn girl testimonials pictures life after death photo


A year ago Marina lost her mum and she really longed for some guidance for her loss and she wanted to know if it's true that it's possible to communicate with souls, etc.


Naturally she asked me for my opinion because she has always been afraid to communicate with them, she believed it would be like bringing them back to life and not letting them rest in peace, she was afraid of committing a sin.


I explained to her that it was not like that, and since she was still having doubts, that they themselves would be the ones that would have to make the first move, I told her that 'if they want to communicate with you, they will do so directly and using whatever mean is available'.


When she heard my words she calmed down but she still longed for some kind of proof.


One evening in May 2006 I joined a little group of friends in Catania, Italy, and in the group there was also Marina! We took some pictures of each other with our cell phones! The surprise came when we looked at a picture that I took of the group and, next to Marina, pretty much where her head is, there was the image of her unborn sister, of whom Marina knew about but she never talked about with anyone!


From that moment on, she realized that what I had told her was true, that we are not disturbing the dead, but the souls do come to us to communicate with us when they can!




Life after death


P.S. I covered the faces for privacy purposes, but you can see my own face. so you can see me! I drew a contour around the shape of the little girl that can be seen at the side of Marina's hair


After death


Picture and negative films are kept by Peppe



Title Life after death Images other side photo unborn girl testimonials pictures life after death photo (the words of the Angels)

