Le Parole degli Angeli
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Virgin Mary manifestation from Heaven the praying little Madonna

Virgin Mary manifestation from Heaven the praying little Madonna image story photo testimonial     


I am a medium and I write messages from the hereafter; I got among the gnarls of a wooden door in my bedroom, by praying, this image...



I am a firm believer and I ask God to give us a sign and I got one ... and this is the reason why I am sending you this testimonial … I would like to add only one thing… the little Madonna says :

“Happy is the man who confides in his Guardian Angel’s protection. Any time they extend my heavenly mantle to protect you. In the end my immaculate heart will triumph. Every day I offer you the Holy Rosary as means of defence and spiritual struggle, pray, pray”.

Sincerely yours,



Title Virgin Mary manifestation from the Sky the praying little Madonna image story photo testimonial

Choose English version in www.leparoledegliangeli.com (the words of the Angels)

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