Le Parole degli Angeli
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On My Wedding Day Invitation To Heaven

On My Wedding Day Invitation To Heaven Strength That Supports
On My Wedding Day Invitation To Heaven : we forget to say a prayer to Heaven and invite them personally from the bottom of our heart to our wedding so many times while we are busy preparing our wedding, because of the great choice we are about to carry out; that’s not what happened to Barbara whose witnessing you are going to read, on the other hand you are going to read about the help she received from Heaven, but I wanted to publish this witnessing to remember everyone that the most precious Guests at any wedding are those from Heaven; a sweet hug, Sara Luce.
Now read Barbara’s experience ...
Good morning, I’m Barbara, I wanted to tell you about my wedding (Saturday April 14th.)
You must know that on Sunday a horrible thing happened before my wedding. My father, (with who I haven’t ever got on well, because he’s selfish, like a master, he always thinks he’s right, and to who it is always so hard to speak to) my mother and he went for Easter to see our relatives in Udine Italy (my mother is from Friuli). Just on Sunday he had a nasty quarrel with my cousin’s husband, and I know what my father’s like, he exaggerates when he’s a bit drunk. Then in the evening my cousin explained what happened to me, I was so sorry about that, mostly because they weren’t sure yet if they were coming to my wedding.
Those were nasty days. I was sad and down. In the meantime my parents went back home and I was a bit angry with my father. I decided to write him a letter to tell him all what I had never said to him. So I gave it him and immediately as usual he reacted in a sharp way, although there were nice things in the letter too (That is, I forgave him for many nasty things in the past, that I loved him and that everyone can make mistakes, that Our Lord is near us and He’s only waiting for us to notice Him and to let him into our hearts …) But then exactly the day before my wedding, on Friday, my great wish came true, what I had asked my father was the greatest present he could have given me, that is, he went to get confessed! (after having been many years away from God) and immediately after that confession I noticed he had changed, he was more peaceful .. Thank you my God, thank you Holy Spirit.
Besides this horrible event, I had been a bit ill during the days before my wedding and the weather didn’t seem it was going to be nice, I was rather worried and desperate about all that.
On April 14th I woke up early at six o’clock and I was not feeling very well, I was a bit sad because I should have been feeling fit and happy. The weather should have been nice and the sun was supposed to shine, but I was confused. I had slept badly and outside the weather wasn’t nice. So I had a shower and just then I asked Our Lady to give me some strength, to stay next to me, and make that day a special one and that I wanted to feel well! So just then I felt a power inside of me and I immediately felt better. So I went to get my hair and make up done, I came back home and I got dressed and something was holding me up in all that. Then I got to church and I was so moved that I couldn’t keep my tears back. I went into the church and with my future husband, we both walked up to the altar and when I invited everyone in Heaven, (like I did the evening before in a letter) well the Mass was really a special time! It was quite long, almost nearly two hours, but it was intense, full of emotions. I would have never imagined I would have had such a lovely ceremony! Alexander’s uncle a really very special person celebrated the Mass (in his sermon he added something written by me too) and so everyone was impressed …
That was really a wonderful day, and the weather was great! Until night time. When we got to our new house I was really exhausted, then the strength that had maintained me all day abandoned me, but I had lived one of the greatest days of my life. Thank you Our Lady, thank you my Angel, thank you Jesus and thank you all from Heaven.
A big hug
On My Wedding Day Invitation To Heaven Strength That Supports are words from Barbara
On My Wedding Day Invitation To Heaven
www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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