Le Parole degli Angeli
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A Guardian Angel is an expression of Love

A Guardian Angel is an expression of Love testimonies


A Guardian Angel is an expression of Love : many times the Sky teaches us that we are the ones preparing the foundation for the manifestation of the Sky itself, and so as our Angel listens to the prayer from our heart, it can also give us a sense of closeness that, in that moment, could even scare us with its intensity, but for the Angel is the most appropriate way to confirm that he is listening to our heart and let us know that he is very close to us, close to our heart; let’s go ahead and listen to Rossana’s Testimonial.


Dear Sara, what I am about to tell you happened to me a year ago. I was going through a period full of problems; even though I had my husband with me I did not feel I was being understood, I felt alone and abandoned, I needed so much love, I desired it so much … a sweet word, a caress …


I often would turn to my Guardian Angel and tell him “Hug me, let me feel your Love, fill me with peace …”


I still don’t fully understand what happened that night, I was about to go to sleep, I was in a state of half sleep, and suddenly I felt someone lifting the sheet from my bed and hopping into bed with me, I literally felt the contact, I was afraid because I could not even move one single muscle, and the more I tried to move, the more I could not move, I could not explain to you, all I know is that I was afraid. Then, finally, I don’t know how, I believe I started to think of the Madonna, and that’s when everything went away, I took the rosary with me and I prayed … then it happened to me one more time, but much more gentle, and then it never happened again.


An affectionate hug




Just like the protagonist of the testimonial that Rossana had read and inspired her to write, Guardian Angel experiences with my Guardian Angel, he too got scared, but he was in the arms of his Guardian Angel and in fact Francesco concluded his testimonial with the desire to be once again in the serenity, carried in the arms of his Angel, and he said “How can one be afraid of one’s Angel?” and he was right, a Guardian Angel is only expression of Love.


A goodbye to everyone from Sara Luce



A Guardian Angel is just an expression of Love testimonies was the testimonial of Rossana




A Guardian Angel is just an expression of Love testimonies


A Guardian Angel is an expression of Love


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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