Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Life goes on proofs

Life goes on proofs from children


Life goes on proofs : yes, life goes on proofs from children, one day, I was tying up the shoe laces of my little boy, he was restless and I was exhausted, I told him “hurry up, we have to go”, he looked at me and said “even grandma Pina always tells me that” obviously, since he was only 5 years old, he could not have possibly met my mother in law, and told him he probably meant to say grandma Anna, the mother of his dad, but he insisted it was grandma Pina.


I told my daughter what had happened, so we invited the boy to look at a picture of my daughter when she was young, where my mother in law was also in that picture.


He immediately noticed her, and said that grandma Pina was on the picture.


Life goes one proofs from children are the words from Stefania


Life goes on proofs


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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