Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Comfort for those who suffer

Comfort for those who suffer phrases


Comfort for those who suffer : we hope that those phrases will be comfort for those who suffer, how many times we humanly fear that those whom we have loved and died in an accident, or run over by a car, must have suffered terribly, or endured terrible pain, may have died following unbearable pain and suffering; humanly, looking at their lifeless bodies, we could be forgiven for thinking that way, but those who suffered those kind of accidents and survived, will tell you what really happens, and this brings comfort and a little consolation to our heart, let’s listen to this beautiful testimonial.


May I tell you my experience?, I was 22 years old when I got run over by a car, I literally flew and landed on the tarmac, I was conscious throughout the ordeal, may I tell you that I remember perfectly well as I doubled myself away from my actual body and looked at it as it landed on the ground like a sack of potatoes; I never felt a sensation of so much peace, part of me could feel that perhaps the time had come and had come to peace with it, a peace that is impossible to describe in human terms, it’s peace, relief, joy, sweetness toward the people you loved, there was no sadness, no anger, no pain, just peace.


From that moment on, I stopped being afraid of death, death is not what it seems, it’s just a journey.


Comfort for those who suffer phrases is the experience from Cecilia


Comfort for those who suffer phrases


Comfort for those who suffer


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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