Le Parole degli Angeli
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New love after mourning

New love after mourning testimonials


New love after mourning : hello Sara, today I tell you about new love after mourning, I will tell you my experience, I was sleeping in my room, I was single at the time, suddenly I saw in front of me a woman, dressed in white, her light was radiant; in that instant I felt an immense peace, she only looked at me and then she vanished.


I was left frozen from what I had just witnessed, I could not explain it.


A few years later, not many, I don’t remember exactly, I was 24 when it happened, now I am 33 years old, I met a man who was widowed, father of three boys; he immediately took me to my now mother in law, and once I got in her house I saw a picture of my now husband’s late wife, we have been married 5 years, and I remembered what had happened to me.


It was an Angel, she chose me for her husband and her children; after that, a little girl was also born, and we named her after her Milena.


A big kiss to you and thank you.


New love after mourning testimonials are the words from Daniela


New love after mourning testimonials


New love after mourning


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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