Le Parole degli Angeli
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Angels smile upon children

Angels smile upon children experiences


Angels smile upon children: when my grandchild, Simone, was a toddler, he was more or less 2 or 3 years old, one night he woke up and he saw a little Angel near his bed; he described it down to the details, and he said that as soon as Simone saw him, the Angel said “amen”, put his little hands together as in prayer, and then disappeared; Simone is now 20 years old, but he still remembers that wonderful experience.


My son, on the other hand, I still remember it vividly, he was only a few months old, he would start to smile, it happened every day at a very specific time, always the same time, at sunrise; at the beginning it was just a smile, but then, slowly, he would start laughing wholeheartedly; it was such a joy seeing him so happy.


Angels smile upon children experiences is the testimonial from Mariella


Angels smile upon children experiences


Angels smile upon children


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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