Le Parole degli Angeli
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Pope John Paul II a Scent Prayer Vigil

Pope John Paul II a Scent waiting for the Prayer Vigil Beatification of Pope Paul John II


Pope John Paul II a Scent Prayer Vigil : saturday 30th April 2011, waiting for the Prayer Vigil at The Circo Massimo in Rome Italy for the beatification of Pope Paul John II but it was pouring!, I was looking through the window and I was “envying” those people who said on TV “the rain won’t stop us!”


Yes!, that’s easy to say, because for me, having some problem to walk that rain meant “you must stay at home”, so with so much bitterness in my heart, around about three o’clock, I lied down for my daily afternoon rest.


I was sound asleep, when I was woken up by, a scent!, a strong fragrance I had never smelt before, I was at home with my daughter who was having a rest in her room too, the scent kept on growing stronger, I got up and like a hound, I started smelling the air, I started in the bathroom, thinking that my daughter had had a shower while I was sleeping, wrong!, going on smelling, I went around the whole house, nothing!, so I went back into my bedroom and the scent was still there, I sat on the end of my bed and I deeply breathed that essence of which I didn’t know what it was and where it came from It was like a bunch of flowers, many different flowers, and I waited, it disappeared very slowly. It was a wonderful scent.


I really didn’t know what it was, even because I have always thought that I wouldn’t have ever been so “lucky”, I only know that approaching the time of the start of the vigil, it stopped raining and I was able to take part with great joy and emotion.


Pope John Paul II a Scent waiting for the Prayer Vigil Beatification of Pope Paul John II was told by Rita


Pope John Paul II a Scent waiting for the Prayer Vigil Beatification of Pope Paul John II


Pope John Paul II a Scent Prayer Vigil


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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