Le Parole degli Angeli
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Saint Rita the Saint of the impossible things

Saint Rita the Saint of the impossible things Experience Miracle Saint Rita in my dream

Saint Rita the Saint of the impossible things : maybe for others what happened to me isn’t a great miracle, but I think it is and I really swear that it really happened, I meet Saint Rita the Saint of the impossible things in my dreams.
I’m thirty by now but I remember that when I was little, until I was fourteen I had nightmares every night. I could never have normal dreams, in every dream there were devils that made me cry every night and “pray” every night to not make it happen anymore.
When I was fourteen, I went to sleep in our new house where we moved on to, after a week of persisting nightmares I fell asleep after the usual prayer, I prayed so that all those horrible dreams disappeared.
In my dreams I went on always seeing the same devils that didn’t leave me alone, I ran away, but then a nun stopped me, I didn’t know her, because I didn’t know much about religion and Saints when I was little, this nun had a thorn in her forehead, she embraced me and said “don’t be afraid to fall asleep anymore, I’ll protect you in your dreams from now on”, in my dream the devils couldn’t come closer to me and the nun.
I swear that since that day onwards I didn’t have a nightmare and I think that Saint Rita, the Saint of the impossible things was in my dream.

Saint Rita the Saint of the impossible things Experience Miracle Saint Rita in my dream was told by Daniela

Saint Rita the Saint of the impossible things
www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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