Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Jesus help me and Jesus helped me

Jesus help me and Jesus helped me experiences


Jesus help me and Jesus helped me : two years ago I lived a very unusual experience, I work in a rest home, that day I was working the night shift and I was alone with the elderly patients, everything was calm, I did my rounds of the rooms every two hours, and everything was in order, everyone was asleep.


At five in the morning I did my last round … as I opened the door to room n.13 I saw the empty bed … I thought that Angel, the patient, was in the bathroom, so I called him … he did not answer so I entered the room …. he was on the floor next to the bed … dead … in the fetal position with the oxygen still attached to him … he looked like he was sleeping … I tried to lift him up and put him back into bed, but I could not do it … I ran to call the Emergency services, I notified the director .. my hands were shaking … I was crying …


I went back into the room to him, and as I was walking in the corridor I was asking the Angels in the Sky to help me … I tried one more time to lift him, but I still could not do it …. I was desperate, crying, I almost shouted “Jesus, please, Jesus, help me … help me Jesus” … I bent over and all of a sudden Angel just did not weigh anything at all …. I lifted him up by myself, but he was weightless …. he weighed at least 75 kilograms …. I am convinced that Jesus helped me in that very moment.


I still think about it a lot ….. I talked about it with my sister.


Jesus help me and Jesus helped me experiences are Mirella’s words




Jesus help me and Jesus helped me experiences


Jesus help me


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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