Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese

Preghiere dal Cielo

Children Learn What They Live Poem

Children Learn What They Live Poem Guide To Be A Good Parent


Children Learn What They Live Poem


A child who lives in criticism

learns to condemn.


A child who lives in hostility

learns to attack.


A child who lives in irony

learns to be timid.


A child who lives in shame

learns to feel guilty.


A child who lives in tolerance

learns to be patient.


A child who lives in encouragement

learns to trust.


A child who lives in loyalty

learns justice.


A child who lives in approval

learns to accept himself.


A child who lives in acceptance and friendship

learns to find love in the world


Children Learn What They Live Poem Guide To Be A Good Parent




Children Learn What They Live Poem Guide To Be A Good Parent


Children Learn What They Live Poem


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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