Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese

Preghiere dal Cielo

I wish you to live poems Jean Debruynne

I wish you to live poems Jean Debruynne


I wish you to live poems


I wish you to live

without to let you buy from money


I wish you to live

without brand, without labels

without distinction,

with no other name

than man.


I wish you to live

without make no one your victim.


I wish you to live

without to suspected or condemn

even if only on lips.


I wish you to live in a world

where everyone has the right

to become your brother

and to be part of your near future.


I wish you to live poems by Jean Debruynne




I wish you to live poems Jean Debruynne


I wish you to live poems


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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