Le Parole degli Angeli
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Preghiere dal Cielo

Mother Theresa of Calcutta God’s pencil

Mother Theresa of Calcutta God’s little pencil rulebook words


Mother Theresa of Calcutta God’s little pencil rulebook


Here is the rulebook from Mother Theresa:


1 – Always be ready to care for others


2 – Always be ready to notice things


3 – Always be ready to tend to other’s needs … it could be as simple as a carrying a bucket of water, or being careful at the table.


4 – Become a builder of bridges


5 – Listen and respect other people’s ideas, allow them to say what they have to say without interrupting them.


6 – Be discreet but generous in your actions, give the best of yourself


7 – Those who act in silence are better than those who complain loudly


8 – Don’t seek spectacular actions. What matters is the gift of yourself. What matters is the degree of love you are putting into a gesture.


9 – Be also willing to accept your weaknesses and your defects without irritation and without frustration


10 – The talents God gave us are not ours: they were given to us so we could use them for the glory of God: let’s use everything is inside us for the good Teacher. We are working and studying for Jesus. We can be exhausted from work or from study, we can even be tired out with no strength left, but if our actions are not intertwined with love, they are worthless.


Mother Theresa of Calcutta God’s little pencil rulebook was select from Sara Luce




Mother Theresa of Calcutta God’s little pencil rulebook


Mother Theresa of Calcutta rulebook


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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