Le Parole degli Angeli
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Saint Benedict from Norcia Patron

Saint Benedict from Norcia Patron of Europe


Saint Benedict from Norcia Patron : dearest Sara Luce, I would like to share with you a experience of "hearts", which happened in Montecassino, an area close to Saint Benedict from Norcia, where the Saint Patron of Europe lies, he founded the famous Abbey of Montecassino; this abbey was destroyed and rebuilt various times over the course of history.


You need to know that in Montecassino lives an aunt I absolutely adore, my mother’s sister, both myself and my sister are very close to her by a profound affection.


In fact, we often go and visit her. Every time I arrive in this beautiful land, my gaze goes up toward the Montecassino Abbey, built right on top of the mountain, where the remains of Saint Benedict lie, as well as his sister Saint Scolastica’s, and we go every time something very special happens. Let me explain.


Last Christmas, while we were going for a stroll, I found at the feet of the mountain a little black heart made of leather, I picked it up and took it home with me.


black heart made of leather


I will confess I felt a strong emotion and a strong feeling of gratitude when I found it. To be sure that what I was looking at was indeed a spiritual sign, I asked my Guardian Angel to let me find another heart in the following days ….


The confirmation did not take long to arrive, in fact it was exactly the following day.


I was in Montecassino, inside a store, when my gaze was captured by an unusual key ring, with a black heart right on it.


key ring with a black heart


But the story goes on dear Sara Luce, and with some special effects to come ….


Last Easter I decided to return to visit my aunt, together with my sister an my mum, we all went to see the Abbey of Montecassino, which we had of course visited on other occasions, but I am mentioning this time because this time the sign of the heart represented itself egregiously. During a moment of prayer, accompanied by a sweet chorus by the Benedictine monks, my gaze once again goes to a heart, and once again this heart was black, it was showing clearly on the floor of Basilica of Saint Benedict.


black heart on the floor of Basilica Saint Benedict


Dear Sara Luce, I believe that the black heart I now found three times in Montecassino is a sign from Saint Benedict of Norcia.  The last heart I found was exactly inside his Basilica, as a further proof of this incredible “experience of hearts”.


One more circumstance corroborated my personal belief.


Behind the major altar in the basilica, where the bodies of Saint Benedict and Saint Scolastica are kept, I found a wonderful prayer dedicated to Saint Benedict, where there is a clear reference to the hearts. I will show you a little excerpt: “Oh Saint Benedict … donate to our hearts the great desire for God …”


image prayer dedicated to Saint Benedict


I will send you attached all the pictures, as a testimonial of these meaningful moments that filled my heart with joy.


Thank you for your precious attention

A warm goodbye.



A few days later Celeste wrote to me again ….


My dearest Sara!!!! It seems impossible, but I am writing to you once again just a few days later to tell you that the “experience of hearts”, from the unusual black color, which began in Montecassino, is now continuing on also in the city where I continued my university studies Florence!!!


This morning, after having accompanied my sister to a doctor for a check up, while I was walking I was deeply absorbed in my thoughts about our recent conversation, suddenly my eyes inexplicably looked at yet another black heart, which was on a small handbag behind the door of the shop, here is the picture.


black heart on a small handbag


I believe this too is a “spiritual” gift, very meaningful for me especially because of the exceptional detail of the black color of the heart!!!


You know dear Sara, if you like, you may add to the testimonial that I already sent to you also this unexpected part of my “experience of the hearts”….


And after a few days Celeste writes to me, one more time:


Dear Sara Luce, the experience of the hearts, with much astonishment, continues on. Last night, in a different town here in Tuscany, during a walk, I found again another GIGANTIC heart, right in front of my eyes, again black, printed on a curtain outside a local restaurant.


I would like to send you a picture of this new sign, too.


gigantic black heart outside a restorant


At this point I will say goodbye my dear, and thank you again for having shared every stop of this incredible experience of hearts … of an unbelievable black color.


I am sure there will be more hearts along my journey ….


I hug you with joy and wonderment!!!


Take care,


Saint Benedict from Norcia Patron of Europe was told by Celeste




Saint Benedict from Norcia Patron of Europe


Saint Benedict from Norcia Patron


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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