Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Existence of the Guardian Angels Experiences

Existence of the Guardian Angels Experiences Testimonials in life Existence of Guardian Angel

Existence of the Guardian Angels Experiences : my name’s Angela I’m married and I’ve got four daughters who are married too; I have always been living in Messina Italy since I was born; so many unlikely things have happened during the years gone by, that only who believes can really believe me; I’ve got a lot of faith in God and I’m sure of the existence of the Guardian Angel; I’ll start saying that my husband was a tradesman, yes we had money, but we weren’t extremely stuck to it (it was everybody’s), if my relatives needed some, my husband didn’t keep it for himself until the work was done and everything was to be paid, bills, books, without mentioning what you need when you’ve got small children, but I don’t know how, it just came like a blessing; we happened to find money that was enough to buy what we needed for that day, a friend of my husband (our passion lasted from 1992 to 2007) wanted to give us a Christmas present; we received some money that helped us pay expired bills.

One day we went to fetch a daughter of ours from school with an old car we received as a present. At the crossroads we had a crash. I was looking at my daughter. My husband and I were saying the same things at the same time …Somebody’s arms had kept us attached to our seats! ...

While time went past I worked in a restaurant washing dishes or helping to cook with dignity. Then I happened to assist old aged people at night. One night I was assisting a dying woman, and I was wondering what I was doing there seeing that I didn’t want to see my parents when they were dead! I received a phone call from my husband who told me that my aunt was feeling ill, and that she couldn’t find her medicine she needed when she felt ill. I worship her. So I phoned up the woman who was supposed to relieve me the following morning, and I told her that I would have been there within an hour … You won’t believe it but they phoned me up to tell me that the patient had died.

I went on attending old aged people until another widow aunt of my mother’s brother injured her pelvis, so I stayed for the night at her house to look after her and my cousin with special needs. On 16th January 2000 I had let my family have dinner and I was going out to go to my aunt’s, I kept on looking at the clock, until I said to my husband that I was going to stay, anyway I didn’t have to clock in! And I went on looking at the clock. At 09.30 p.m. I went out into the street where I passed every evening. And in the opposite direction there was a car that had crashed because the driver had had a heart attack and had died immediately!!!

I’ve still got a lot of thing to tell you, If you fancy reading about them, I don’t mind. Thank you


Existence of the Guardian Angels Experiences Testimonials in life Existence of Guardian Angel

www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en the words of the Angels

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