Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Testimonies of Angels A shining Hand

Testimonies of Angels A shining Hand life with my Angel testimony

Testimonies of Angels A shining Hand : dear Sara, I want to share with you my wonderful times with my Angel, ; today’s my son’s birthday, and thirteen years ago was the first time I saw my Angel, a shining hand, and I‘m very happy about that;I didn’t know yet that I was pregnant, and while I was half asleep, I saw a very shining hand that was putting a baby on my tummy, I got up crying, “I’m pregnant.”

After that I had my pregnancy test done, and I found out I was really pregnant.

Since then I have always thought about my Angel, just yesterday remembering about those times, I started crying for joy again and I felt Him next to me.

But other times He affirmed his presence, for example I was at the supermarket and I had locked the car with the alarm, that later I couldn’t open. Being nervous, I said to myself “calm down”, and I asked Him to help me, immediately the alarm started to work again, or the day I was getting home from work, it was late at night, I work at the airport, with the underground, and there was nobody around at the station, and I was frightened; I heard “don’t worry I’m here with you”, and I saw the guard of the car park nearby come to me and he walked with me up to the car park.

A big kiss

Testimonies of Angels A shining Hand life with my Angel testimony are pharases from Valeria

Testimonies of Angels A shining Hand life with my Angel testimony

Testimonies of Angels A shining Hand

www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en the words of the Angels

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