Le Parole degli Angeli
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My Guardian Angel's Name and Coincidences

My Guardian Angel’s Name and Coincidences the Emotion of its Discovery

My Guardian Angel’s Name and Coincidences : dear, dear Sara, It’s happened, I have discovered my Guardian Angel’s Name, his name, my Guardian Angel’s name through coincidences, I’ve got to tell you, I’m crying with joy and emotion, it’s so nice to find the pieces of the puzzle, I opened my mail, this evening without conceiving great ideas of finding a reply of yours, but I read you name, I was excited; I switched the light off, and I sat down to “enjoy” every word of your reply very slowly.

I think your words are nice, and I try to understand those ellipsis that you put after “but if you think it’s”, perhaps you feel that it’s important for me to know my Angel’s name now that I’m sure of His presence, I take a look at your site again, I read your witnesses, and I stop at this one “I flew there and I found myself in front of this woman, Luce, Light, and her child, Bianca (White), I’m sure that those of you who can understand coincidences are smiling now, yes, this is the sign of my Angel Nomiho, White Light, do you remember what Angel Giulio, Genny’s Angel told us?

Here’s Her name, Bianca, I’m getting the creeps, and I’m crying for joy, yesterday I got a sheet of paper, and I “picked” some coloured pencils by chance, keeping my eyes closed, like a friend of mine suggested me to do, I met this friend last summer introduced by Bianca when my heart was troubled, well as I was saying, I took a sheet of paper, and I started to mark with my eyes shut using different colours, I’ll explain why I’m sure Her name’s Bianca, picking a pencil by chance, before writing on the paper, I noticed on opening my eyes that it was white, Bianca, and the tip of the pencil was broke; I got another one, and picking it by chance, closing my eyes, was white, Bianca, too; I went on doing this exercise that Gigi suggested me, and I marked my paper without looking, I put down the coloured pencils, and I opened my eyes and guess what appeared on the paper, a capital letter B; I thought Beppe, Barbara, but yesterday I didn’t think it was the right one, today there’s His name and it’s wonderful!

That’s why reading the sentence “Bianca, white, who of you can read coincidences, ”related to your mail, is very clear!!

I’m happy, and continuing on this path I have just started is fantastic!!!!

Thank you ever so much.

My Guardian Angel’s Name and Coincidences the Emotion of its Discovery are phrases of Mara

My Guardian Angel’s Name and Coincidences the Emotion of its Discovery

My Guardian Angel’s Name and Coincidences

www.leparoledegliangeli.com/ en The words of the Angels

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