Le Parole degli Angeli
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Honour Thy father and Thy Mother

Honour Thy father and Thy Mother A Guardian Angel’s Advise testimonies

Honour Thy father and Thy Mother : dear Sara Luce, honour thy father and thy mother is a message, an avvise, that I’m receiving from a Guardian Angel, it’s some time that I’m receiving wonderful signs from my Guardian Angel, who always communicates with me through what I hear on the radio; several times when I asked for His help, I have heard on my car radio songs that I have never heard or I haven’t heard for a long time, in which His messages are clear; the last episode dates back to yesterday when I asked Him to help me and to be near me in a tricky situation I’m going through with my family, and on the radio I heard an English song that I thought was different from the others, the music was like the one of songs sung at a Mass, as soon as it finished, the DJ said that it was called “remember to Honour Thy Father and Thy Mother”

I have asked many times for his name, and inside of me I have felt that it’s Giuseppe, I haven’t had signs from Him yet, or maybe I haven’t understood them, but I hope that soon I’ll understand if that’s really His name.

This is completely wonderful and a source of great joy for me. I love Him in a different way that I love whoever is near me! I can’t explain that, but when I think of Him I’m happy and serene.


Honour Thy father and Thy Mother A Guardian Angel’s Advise testimonies are phrases of Aurora

Honour Thy father and Thy Mother A Guardian Angel’s Advise testimonies

www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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