Le Parole degli Angeli
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Signs Of Angels In Fear Presence

Signs Of Angels In Fear Presence Of Love The Touch Of An Angel


Signs Of Angels In Fear Presence : hello Sara, I was reading the stories about Angels, I have an experience, to date whenever I think about it I still can not find an explanation for it, I was in the car, alone, I was driving down a mountain road, it was not very busy, I don’t know why but once, as I drove down this specific road I felt something strange, the landscape inspired me, I felt something that I could not explain, I was almost afraid, in any case, I was in my car, driving a twisty section of the road, not too fast, it was daylight, the sky was overcast without any sunlight at all, the temperature was mild, all of a sudden, behind me, I felt something warm resting on my shoulder; I could feel its warmth, a rounded shape, I panicked immediately, in fact, I slammed on the brakes and, still terrified, I turned around, looking at the seats in the back, thinking that something there had touched me but I saw nothing!!!


This made me shudder, I looked up at the sky, thinking that perhaps some ray of sun somehow found its way through the clouds, but even that proved to be impossible, because the sky was completely overcast and dark, besides, what stunned me was that I felt such an excessive heat all concentrated in one point on my shoulder! I don’t know what it was, but I am certain that something rested on my shoulder and then suddenly disappeared.


Bye, see you soon!


Signs Of Angels In Fear Presence Of Love The Touch Of An Angel was the testimonial of Pietro


Signs Of Angels In Fear Presence Of Love The Touch Of An Angel


Signs Of Angels In Fear Presence


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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