Le Parole degli Angeli
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Existence Of Angels Stories

Existence Of Angels Stories About The Real Existence Of Angels


Existence Of Angels Stories : let me tell you my testimonial, I have many of them but this is truly my first one; I had lost a beautiful earring, I don’t know if I had lost it inside my home or outside, I was really cross, I had been looking for it for days without success, at that time I was reading Sara’s website and all her beautiful stories about Angels and I really believed in them, so I decided to put my own Angel to the test, I know it sounds bad, however it only served me to check if He was truly there with me.


So I asked him …. “Let me find my earring ….”


In the corner of my bedroom I had a small sculpture, really ugly, I was ready to throw it away, so that morning I decided to remove it from its usual place and to place it on the floor by the entrance door, so the next person in my family to go downstairs would take it with them to the garage …


I heard my son calling me “Mum, do you want me to take away both the sculpture and the earring??”


I flew to the entrance and I saw the earring laying neatly on top of the sculpture … you can easily imagine how I felt …. for the rest of the day I walked on clouds …. I was flying high around the house … happy, happy, and happy!!!!


Oh, I almost forgot …. everyone in the house now knows that this is the “Angel Earring” and nobody is allowed to take it.


Existence Of Angels Stories About The Real Existence Of Angels was the testimonial of Mary


Existence Of Angels Stories About The Real Existence Of Angels


Existence Of Angels Stories


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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