Le Parole degli Angeli
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Strange Coincidences Angel Sent By My Brother

Strange Coincidences Angel Sent By My Brother Stories


Strange Coincidences Angel Sent By My Brother : in 1987 I lost my brother from a tragic accident, he was younger than me by one year and as he was my play mate when were children, ever since we were teenagers I would call my angel in case of need and often I would be left on the road stranded when my motorcycle stopped working.


He was very quiet, and I was his obvious choice for someone to confide in, or at least this is what I had always thought.


A few years following his death I happened to be left stranded on a ring road with my Fiat 500 car. I immediately thought of him, but since he was no longer with us and I had to go to work, I opted to hitch a ride. A car stopped with a young man on board …..


While he was driving, he told me I reminded him of someone …. a friend that he had lost. In the past I was told many times that I looked like my brother, so I asked him if perhaps his friend was from Naples and where he lived ….. with my great shock I understood that he had indeed been friends with my brother and that he had socialized with his same group of friends. Then he gave me the name of a mutual friend, someone I know well, having met my family whom I no longer see now.


He dropped me off at Corso Malta …. that’s exactly where I was supposed to go, and I got off the car completely in shock, and cheered up by the coincidence. But while I was walking I realized I was feeling strange, I felt as if my legs were floating, I felt as if I was suspended on the clouds ….. while I was focusing on this sensation I had an epiphany …. the certainty that the young man was indeed Celeste. I reached work still with this sensation, and I shared it all with my friends. If I had asked for the phone number I would have certainly called, but I am sure that the sensation I was feeling was not terrestrial.


A hello to all Angels


Strange Coincidences The Angel Sent By My Brother Stories was the testimonial of Silvia


Strange Coincidences Angel Sent By My Brother Stories


Strange Coincidences Angel Sent By My Brother


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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