Le Parole degli Angeli
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I Spoke With My Angel My Guardian Angel Help

I Spoke With My Angel My Guardian Angel Help A Dream


I Spoke With My Angel My Guardian Angel Help : well, to be honest I have had countless testimonials, but before I got to know about Sara Luce I was afraid that those were signs of something “less benign”, every time something happened to me I was scared, then I began to think that someone was coming from up there to give me a hand, I don’t know, someone who had been here, who knew me well, then I learned about Angels and I had always thought that they only looked after children, so it was my Angel all along that was doing all those things, clever thing, objects that move, keys in the key holder, or various other things.


But let me tell you about one of the more recent stories, one where my second child is the main character.


Last Friday night my son asked if I knew where the TV remote control was. I had no idea where it was, so I suggested he look where he usually leaves it (since he is usually the only one to use it) and anywhere around it, maybe it fell on the floor, got stuck under the sofa, or something like that, to look around for it …. nothing. He could not find it. The following day same issue. He was getting paranoid about this, and so, together, we picked through the entire room. We moved the sofa, looked in each drawer, behind the furniture, NOTHING!!! He was getting more and more angry, and I kept telling him to “be quiet, the house may hide stuff, but it does not steal stuff!” I assured him it would show up when he is not looking. Upset, he eventually quit looking for it.


Inside, I spoke with my Angel “I know it’s something very stupid, but will you help us find this remote control, otherwise Mattia and his big mouth will never stop talking about this”… and I smiled at the thought.


His own Father even took the trouble to help him find it, convinced that he would manage to find it himself.


Sunday morning, around 10:00, I heard some noises and I saw my son arriving all proud, with the remote in his hand… “Where did you find it?” he answered “Mum, you will never believe it, but I actually dreamt it. I dreamt that I would find it stuck in a very specific point on the sofa, I went there, and I found it”. “Ah, it was the Angel who answered my plea". I replied, all smiles. He looked at me funny, but then smiled.


He showed me exactly the place where he found it, believe me, we had already looked there many many times, both myself and dad.


Isn’t this a small testimonial? I sent a big hug to my Angel. He knows what tantrums my Mattia can get into.


A big kiss my dear Sara


I Spoke With My Angel My Guardian Angel Help A Dream was the testimonial of Simoncina


I Spoke With My Angel My Guardian Angel Help A Dream


I Spoke With My Angel My Guardian Angel Help


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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