Le Parole degli Angeli
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Small And Large Miracles

Small And Large Miracles experiences stories


Small And Large Miracles : dear Sara, seeing your reply was such a joy for me, yes, I am ready to take a new road that will bring me to the Love of my Guardian Angel, for this reason I will re-read carefully the advice column that you have written for us, small and large miracles from my Guardian Angel.


However, I would also like to tell you about an episode that happened to me 14 years ago, exactly on the 24th of March 1999.


I was with my sister in Milan, Italy (I live in Benevento), because she was about to give birth to her first baby girl. I was worried because the doctors wanted to do a C-section and my instinct told me that she should not be having it.


I spent a night with very little sleep, at about 5 in the morning I heard in my right ear the beautiful voice of a man, telling me not to worry, that everything was going to be fine.


After a couple of hours the phone rang, to let us know that my sister was in labor, and soon after that little Arianna was born.


I always thought back to that voice, he was my Guardian Angel, and now I am more convinced of it than ever before.


I hug you with affection,




Ps – I followed your advice and I named my Angel My Love


Small And Large Miracles experiences stories was the testimonial of Antonella


Small And Large Miracles experiences stories


Small And Large Miracles


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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