Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Stories of Angels A Caress

Stories of Angels A Caress From My Guardian Angel


Stories of Angels A Caress : feeling your own Angel right next to you is such a true and unique emotion, having the certainty that we are never really alone and being able to understand who really cares about you; some time ago, I remember it just like it was yesterday, I was in bed reading a book, my Guardian Angel caressed my hand, at first I could not understand what to attribute that delicate caress feeling to, but upon consulting with some close friends of mine, they told me that Angels are next to us every moment of our lives.


I am happy to know he is with me ….


Stories of Angels A Caress From My Guardian Angel was the testimonial of Raffaella


Stories of Angels A Caress


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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