Le Parole degli Angeli
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Angels Creatures Of Light

Angels Creatures Of Light And Of Love The Meeting With An Angel


Angels Creatures Of Light : I titled this testimony Angels Creatures Of Light And Of Love The Meeting With An Angel and reading you'll understand why, Sara Luce.


Good Evening Sara Luce, and friends of the Angels, I tell you what happened to my years ago, let’s go back many years; it was a normal evening, I was returning home, it was night, there was a thick fog, I could not even see the lane divider on the road, I could not even see the cars driving next to me, I like driving, but not driving in the night with thick fog!


Anyway, I was driving very slowly, my heart was beating fast, my cell phone was not picking up a signal … I could not even understand anymore how far into my journey I was …. and suddenly I feel a car driving right up to mine, it was a white car, I thought it was a driver about to crash into my car … not knowing how to get out of the way I told myself “Well, here we go, we are both going to die tonight” … and instead, a window opened up from the white car, a light came right toward me, I opened a little bit to understand what it was, and I heard a very young male voice telling me “Don’t worry, you are not alone, where are you going?" and I replied “Home, I don’t even know where I am right now”


This young man told me “Follow me, I will help you get home" …. I was a little confused and asked me “If you don’t even know me, how can you help me get home? and we can’t even see anything” ... and with a smile he told me “Calm down lady … I know where you live, you will get home safe and well, follow me” and I replied “Oh yes, and how can I see you on the road? Your car is white, in the white fog we have, I will never see you!!?” … he said “Lady, trust me, follow me and you will see me in front of you because you will follow a light that will shine through the fog”.


Well, I was petrified, but so it was, he drove in front of me with his car …. where his car was the fog seemed to dissipate, and without even understanding how he did it, he drove me exactly to the front gate of my house.


As soon as I got off the car to walk to him and say thank you, and shake his hand, I could not see anybody … I was upset, however, soon after, as I locked my car, I saw written on the windshield of my car these words: GOODBYE LADY, AS YOU CAN SEE ANGELS DO EXIST … CONTINUE TO TALK TO US ABOUT YOU … WE EXIST THROUGH MANY DIFFERENT FORMS OF ENERGY.


I never forgot that night …. that meeting …. that young face … that beautiful experience.


Angels Creatures Of Light And Of Love The Meeting With An Angel was told by Anna


Angels Creatures Of Light And Of Love The Meeting With An Angel


Angels Creatures Of Light


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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